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Linden’s Anshe Chesed Hosts Mikvah Event

08/17/2023 10:56:10 AM


Anshe Chesed

The Ziga Roshanski Mikvah event at Congregation Anshe Chesed of Linden was beautiful in every way. The event committee did an amazing job decorating, providing delicious food and sourcing wonderful prizes. The highlight of the night was Rabbanit Shani Taragin, who delivered a thought-provoking and timely shiur on Tu B’Av (the date of our event!) and its meaning, a perfect tie-in to a mikvah event. Women from the Linden community as well as...Read more...

Linden Women Set to Celebrate Anshe Chesed Mikvah

08/04/2023 10:57:46 AM


Congregation Anshe Chesed’s mikvah

One of the surest signs of a resurgence of observant Jewish life in a community is increased use of the community mikvah. This key indicator tells an observer not only that there are more young families in the area but also that those families, and especially the wives, are...Read more...

Anshe Chesed Celebrates Annual Dinner

05/23/2023 11:46:54 AM


(Courtesy of Cong Anshe Chesed) On Sunday, May 7, members and friends of Congregation Anshe Chesed of Linden gathered for the shul’s annual dinner. The event featured a beautiful dinner, catered by Riverdale Kosher Caterers, and a meaningful program giving tribute to Rabbi Steven Dworken z’l, the much beloved rav who led the community from...Read more...

Yom Ha'Atzmaut 5783

05/02/2023 12:52:46 PM



Linden’s Anshe Chesed Plans Dinner to Honor Legacy of Rabbi Steven Dworken

04/25/2023 12:49:01 PM


Harry Glazer


Noting both present-day successes while recognizing the legacy of a pivotal former religious leader is the theme that Congregation Anshe Chesed of Linden, New Jersey has chosen for its annual dinner, on Sunday May 7. The shul will both celebrate its growth over the past few years while also marking the 20th yahrzeit of Rabbi Steven Dworken, the much beloved rav who led the shul from 1977 until his retirement from the pulpit in...Read more...

Anshe Chesed Visits Yad Leah

02/23/2023 10:19:54 AM


Yad Leah

(Courtesy of Yad Leah) True to their name, the families of Anshe Chesed of Linden took advantage of Presidents Day vacation to go on a field trip to Yad Leah to participate in a meaningful chesed activity. Working together, parents and children spent the morning sorting, folding and packing clothing for Israel.


Anshe Chesed Hosts GPATS Shabbaton

02/23/2023 10:17:07 AM


By JLNJ Staff

(Courtesy of Anshe Chesed) Over Shabbat Parshat Yitro, Anshe Chesed of Linden was honored to host three students in Yeshiva University’s Graduate Program in Advanced Talmudic/ Tanach Studies (GPATS). Friday evening, Anshe Chesed’s women made their way to an oneg featuring a shiur by Shoshana Rockoff, who spoke about sibling rivalry, contrasting the relationship between Moshe and Ahron to the relationship between Kayin and Hevel. The next...Read more...

Mishna Yomi Learned at Anshe Chesed

12/01/2022 10:54:46 AM


Rebecca Falk

This past week, members of Linden’s Congregation Anshe Chesed completed Seder Zeraim with the Mishna Yomi cycle. Thanks to Rabbi Yossi Katz’s daily Mishna podcast, the participants learned 655 Mishnayos in under a year. They reached this tremendous achievement by consistently learning two Mishnayos a day, a small amount that built up to a huge accomplishment. As Rabbi Katz stated, “It is an accomplishment in the quantity of Torah, but...Read more...

Rabbi Katz Visits Netivot 

11/18/2022 02:11:13 PM


Rabbi Katz was invited to Netivot  for the Sheilot U’teshuvot program! The students choose a question that they have, debate it and learn about it throughout the week, and then invite a community member come in on Fridays to discuss the answer


Parshat Noach Extravaganza 

11/07/2022 02:05:45 PM


Congregation Anshe Chesed hosted its annual Parshat Noach Animal Extravaganza with Morah Erica Yadlovker. Children and adults came to meet Morah Erica's bunny, iguana, chinchilla and bearded dragon, among others animals, but the crowd favorites were Nechoshet the snake and Elazard the leopard gecko. Thank you Morah Erica for this amazing program!


Sat, May 11 2024 3 Iyyar 5784